Dental Implants Found to Preserve Cognitive Function Among Patients Who Have Experienced Tooth Loss

A recent study has indicated that by replacing missing teeth with dental implants, the risk for the development of dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment is decreased. If an individual has dementia and has dental implants put in place of missing teeth, the progression of the issue is slowed.

No one is immune to the effects of impaired cognitive function as a result of the natural aging process or a result of the development of dementia. By simply replacing missing teeth, cognitive impairment may be completely avoided. Continue reading to learn more. 

The Study 

Researchers from a nursing college in the State of New York analyzed over 14 individual studies that included over 37,000 adults and nearly 5,000 additional adults who already experience cognitive impairment. The following was discovered:

  • Individuals that have any form of tooth loss were 1.48 times more likely to develop a form of cognitive impairment within their life. 
  • Those that had lost teeth were 1.28 times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia – even if all of the other associated risk factors were effectively controlled. 
  • Each tooth that was missing in the mouth increased the risk of a dementia diagnosis by 1.1% and each reduced impairment of cognition by 1.4%. 

Why Does Tooth Loss Lead to Cognitive Impairment?

Researchers are still looking into why tooth loss leads to cognitive impairment; however, there are several theories. These include the following:

  1. Many believe that because tooth loss results in complications with the chewing mechanism, it could result in malnutrition. This – in turn – could lead to an increased risk of developing cognitive impairment. 
  2. Most instances of tooth loss stem directly from the result of gum disease. Many researchers believe, perhaps, it is actually the gum disease that caused the tooth loss that results in the development of cognitive impairment. 
  3. Then, there is the belief that a person who experiences social and economic complications may have a higher chance of losing their teeth and that this also causes deterioration of the cognitive capabilities. 

Do Teeth Really Provide a Benefit to the Brain?

There are several unique theories on the fact that yes, teeth really do benefit the brain. The main one is that the link relates to systemic inflammation. If gum disease is the reason for tooth loss, it is important to understand that this is an infection.

As a result of the infection itself, the body’s immune response is heightened, which leads to chronic inflammation within the body. This inflammation may actually damage the brain and result in the development of cognitive impairment. 

The next theory is that when we chew properly (which requires all of the teeth), the brain is stimulated through the trigeminal nerve. This stimulation results in higher levels of activity in the brain. If a person is unable to chew properly because they are missing teeth, this results in less brain stimulation.

An inactive brain will continue to remain inactive. If you are missing teeth, it is imperative that you consider having dental implants placed in the mouth so that you are at a lower risk for developing cognitive impairment and/or a form of dementia. 

Get Help Today

Do you have missing teeth? Do you find yourself forgetting things easily? Have you been diagnosed with cognitive impairment? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we here at Implant & Perio Center of Kansas would like to talk to you!

We offer multiple treatments for gum disease and missing tooth replacement (including dental implants) – all of which will prove to be highly beneficial to brain health! For more information, contact us immediately.